Hey fellows in this post I will cover how to install and setup the java jdk in windows. In this post we will cover the following points
Let's get started
Step 1: Go to the Java JDK site or search for Java JDK 8 free download on google.
Step 2: Go to the Java SE subscribers have more choices section
Step 3: Click on the java 8 tab to download the java 8 jdk
Step 4: Select the windows operating system to download the java 8 jdk for windows.
Step 5: Select java 8 jdk version according to your system architecture i.e. for 32 bits select x86 Installer or for 64 bits select x64 Installer.How to check for system architecture read this post.(Pending)
Step 6: In my case I will download 64 bits version. Click on jdk-8u311-windows-x64.exe
Step 7: Accept the license and click Download jdk-8u311-windows-x64.exe button.
Step 8: Enter your credentials for login to download or create account button to create account on java website.
Step 9: After successfully login downloading will be started.
Step 10: Click the java jdk installer to install initalize the installation.
Step 11: Click the next next button to complete the installation.
Step 14: To Setup the path go to the environment variable from the pc properties.
Step 15: Create new variable JAVA_HOME in the environment variable and link to the java jdk folder not jre folder in which we have required packages.
Step 17: Close all the property windows by clicking OK button and open command prompt to check if everything is install correctly and type java -version
it should return the results as shown below